Executive Management
General Management

Mr. Abu Nabaa has worked as the company's General Manager since January 1st, 2017. Before that, he served as the Deputy General Manager for Administrative and Financial issues, in addition to the position of the Financial Manager of Palestine Industrial Investment Company.
Mr. Abu Nabaa held many leading positions in multiple industrial companies and banks in Palestine, Jordan, and Algeria. He is currently a board member at the National Carton Industry Co. and a previous board member at Golden Wheat Mills Co.

Eng. Al-Qadah joined the company when it was first founded, and he has held different administrative roles at the company, which led him to join the company's executive management as the Deputy General Manager for Operations, Projects, and Development.
Eng. Al-Qadah holds an Undergraduate degree in Agricultural Engineering from An-Najah National University and has gained an extensive experience in administration, planning, information systems, and projects. He is a member of the Businessmen Society and Agricultural Engineers Association and a board member at Al Rabyeh for Animal Feed and Grains Co.

Mrs. Mustafa administrates the General Manager's office operations. Her duties include secretary work as well as managing stakeholders' work and the correspondences of the board of directors.
Mrs. Mustafa holds a diploma in Business Administration, in addition to an extensive experience in this field. She has been a staff member since 2000.

Mr. Dweikat holds an undergraduate degree in Financial Sciences and has an extensive experience in accounting and auditing. He has held leading positions in multiple Palestinian corporates and has received various certificates in finance.
Mr. Dweikat currently acts as the Financial Manager of the company. He administers the company's financial strategies and prepares and analyzes the company's financial data and key performance indicators. He's also responsible for assessing the efficiency of the financial and accounting systems and principles applied in the company.

Eng. Asaad joined the company when it was founded in 1997. He started as the manager of one of the breeder farms, and in 2004, he was promoted to become the general manager of breeder farms.
Eng. Asaad holds an Undergraduate degree in Agricultural Engineering and has extensive experience in managing breeder and broiler farms. He has participated in training courses on poultry farming in the Netherlands, Jordan, and Belgium. He's a member of the Agricultural Engineers' Association.

Mr. Khalaf joined the company in 1999, and he worked as the manager of the Sales and Marketing Department until 2011. After that, he became the manager of the slaughterhouse until 2012. Currently, Mr. Khalaf is managing the department of Major Clients where he is responsible for strengthening the connections with the company's major clients, attracting new strategic clients to the company, and following up on bad debts through the company's legal consultants.

Mr. Al-Battah joined the company in 2016 as the Procurements Manager. He administers the company's procurement policy in accordance with the highest standards. Mr. Al-Battah holds an undergraduate degree in Electronic Engineering and Computer Sciences and another undergraduate degree in Business Administration, and he gained an extensive experience in procurements and logistics services while working in the UNDP.

Mr. Al-Kharouf joined the company in 2018 as an Administrative Manager with more than 20 years of experience in administrative affairs, human resources, organizational development, and project management. Mr. Al-Kharouf has acted for 17 years as the Manager of Administrative Affairs at Palestine Cellular Communications Co. - Jawwal, and then as the Manager of Administrative Affairs and Public Relations at Ahlia Insurance Group. He also held the position of the General Manager of Nablus Zakat Central Committee for four years. Mr. Al-Kharouf was a member of the Nablus Municipality Council between 2017 and 2021. He holds an undergraduate degree in Business Administration from An-Najah National University and a Mini-MBA degree from the United Kingdom. He participated in more than 35 global and regional intensive training programs in personnel and project management, negotiation and leadership skills, organizational development, simplifying procedures, and strategic planning.

Eng. Jumaa joined the company in 2005 as the Head of the Maintenance Section. In 2011, he was assigned as the manager of the Maintenance Department. His duties include supervising the department's operations and increasing productivity. Eng. Jumaa holds an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering, and he acted in multiple leading corporates in Palestine. Eng. Jumaa has an extensive experience in production line installation.

Dr. Abu Shamaa joined the company in 2001 as the Head of the department of Breeders' Health. He runs the hygienic and preventive procedures for the breeder flocks and ensures the efficiency of the biosafety regulations. Dr. Abu Shamaa holds an undergraduate degree in Veterinary and is a member of the Palestinian Veterinarians Syndicate. He has participated in a group of specialized training programs around Europe.

Eng. Hamed joined the company in 2013 as a Production Supervisor at Aziza's Feed Factory. He is responsible for inspecting the different animal feed production lines as well as the feed's physical properties. Since 2019, he has acted as the Deputy Manager of the feed factory. Eng. Hamed is a member of the Palestinian Agricultural Engineers Association. He received an undergraduate degree in Animal Production and Health in 2003 and a Master's degree in Animal Production and Ruminant Feeding in 2013.

Dr. Qashoo' joined the company in 2012 as the Head of the department of the After-sales Services. He is responsible for following up on the health of the company's and its clients' broiler farms and administering preventive measures to keep the broilers healthy.
Dr. Qashoo' holds an undergraduate degree in Veterinary and is a member of the Palestinian Veterinarians Syndicate. He has participated in a variety of specialized training courses.

يعمل المهندس جبر يحيى مديراً لمزارعة الابقار منذ 01/10/2022 حيث عمل سابقا في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة مديراً لمزرعة أبقار خاصة ( مزرعة النويس للابقار) كما عمل سابقاً في جمعية المركز الفلسطيني لتطوير الثروة الحيوانية في طوباس لغاية العام 2014 كما عمل مع عدة مؤسسات دولية في مختلف محافظات الوطن في تنسيق وادارة مشاريع الثروة الحيوانية وذلك من سنة 2002 وحتى 2007 .

بدأ لؤي عمله في شركة دواجن فلسطين بداية عام 2023 بمنصب مدير المبيعات ولديه خبرة واسعة في قطاع الدواجن حيث كان قد عمل بمنصب مدير المشتريات في الشركة منذ عام 2003 ولغاية 2016، كذلك شغل عدة مناصب في شركات اخرى.
السيد زعرور حاصل على الشهادة الجامعية في ادارة الاعمال اضافة الى حصوله على شهادةCertified International Purchasing Manager (CIPM)، وكذلك حصوله على عدة شهادات في الادارة.
Aziza Slaughterhouse

Mr. Soboh joined the company on October 10, 2020, as the General Manager of the company's slaughterhouse. Before that, he worked as a Sales Manager at Palestine Cellular Communications Co. - Jawwal, the General Manager of Tulkarem Chamber of Commerce, an Instructor at Khadoori University and Al-Quds Open University, a Sales Consultant at Maslamani Co., and the Treasurer of Tulkarem Zakat Committee. In addition, he has held several administrative positions in multiple Palestinian societies and institutions. Mr. Soboh holds an undergraduate degree in Marketing and a Master's in Business Administration from An-Najah National University.